1. Hand Book Of Emdr And Family Therapy Processes
Author: edited By Francine Shapiro, Florence W. Kaslow, Louise Maxfield.
Library: Library of Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences of Tehran University (Tehran)
Subject: Eye Movement Desenitization and Reprocessing,Family psychotherapy

2. Handbook of EMDR and family therapy processes
Author: / edited by Francine Shapiro, Florence W. Kaslow, Louise Maxfield
Library: Razi Psychiatric Center Library (Tehran)
Subject: Family Therapy- methods,Desensitization- Psychologic- methods,Eye Movements
Classification :

3. Handbook of EMDR and family therapy processes
Author: / edited by Francine Shapiro, Florence W. Kaslow, Louise Maxfield
Library: Central Library of University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences (Tehran)
Subject: Family Therapy- methods,Desensitization- Psychologic- methods,Eye Movements
Classification :

4. Handbook of EMDR and family therapy processes
Author: Edited by Francine Shapiro, Florence W. Kaslow, Louise Maxfield
Library: Library of Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences University of Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing,Family psychotherapy
Classification :